It is found in the following conditions:
Physiological: gynaecomastia typically occurs at 3 distinct periods of life
- Neonatal: due to crossing of maternal and placental estrogens into newborn’s circulation
- Puberty: In whom estradiol concentrations reach adult levels before testosterone
- Adult life: Occurs in 50-80 years of age due to decreasing testosterone concentrations
- Spironolactone
- Cimetidine
- Digoxin
- Finasteride
- Anti-androgens (cyproterone acetate, spironolactone)
- Some exogenous anabolic steroids (diethylstilbestrol)
- Cannabis
Androgen resistance syndromes
Oestrogen excess
- Liver failure (impaired steroid metabolism)
- An oestrogen-secreting tumour (e.g. of testis)
- A human chorionic gonadotropin-secreting tumour (e.g. of testis or lung)
Syndromes with androgen deficiency: Kallman's, Klinefelter's
Testicular failure: e.g. mumps
Testicular cancer: e.g. seminoma (secreting hCG), teratoma
- Davidsons Principles and Practice of Medicine 23th edition; 657
- Kumar & Clark’s Clinical Medicine 9th edition: 1218